This page includes information that may be useful for you in planning your trip to Norway. For more specific details on transportation to and from the airport, as well as in Oslo city, check with the LOCAL TRANSPORTATION section.
Some foreign nationals can visit Norway without a visa, but most people from countries outside the EU/EEA must apply for a visitor's visa. Visitors from the Schengen countries do not need a passport or visa when entering Norway, but must show valid and sufficient ID. A European Union ID-card or passport is recommended. To find out if you need a visa, visit The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration website.
For information on what you are allowed to bring with you into Norway (gifts, merchandise, etc.), please check the Toll/Customs website.
Letter of invitation
Conference participants who need an official letter of invitation in order to obtain a visa should contact the Local Organizing Committee. The invitation letter will be issued once the registration form and payment has been received by the Conference Secretariat. The letter does not constitute any financial commitment on the part of the Conference.
The standard electricity supply is 220 volts, AC of 50 Hertz. Electric appliances use continental-style two-pin plugs. Participants are advised to bring their own adaptors.
Service is not included in restaurants, so it is customary to add a 10% tip to the total. Another rule is to round up to the closest 50 or 100.
Norwegian kroners is the official Norwegian currency. Participants can exchange currency in the tourist information office Oslo Visitor Centre or in one of several exchange bureaus located in the city centre. Visa, Eurocard, MasterCard, Diners Club and American Express are widely accepted cards in Norway. Visitors are advised to use cards instead of cash, if possible.
ATMs can be hard to find in the streets in Oslo. They are often located inside small convenience stores such as 7-Eleven, Deli de Luca or Narvesen; look for a sign that says “MINIBANK”.