Most of the sessions are located at Georg Sverdrups hus, while a few are located at Harriet Holtes hus. On this page, you can find maps showing the location of the different rooms. You can also use this map, where you can search for the room, and get directions.
In Georg Sverdrups hus you will find most of the sessions, distributed on the three first floors of the building.
On the first floor you can find the two auditoria. The keynote sessions will be held in Auditorium 1. For the sessions held in Auditorium 2, please see the program.
On the second floor the room called Stort møterom is located.
The rest of the sessions held in Georg Sverdrups hus, are located in rooms found on the third floor. All the rooms are gathered in the same part of the building, as you can see on the second photo on the right.
The remaining two sessions can be found in Harriet Holters hus, which is a short walk up towards the tram stop. Turn right when you exit Georg Sverdrups hus, and keep going straight forward until you see the building with the name written on it, right after a green area.
The two sessions in this building are located in seminar rooms on the first floor - one on your left and one a bit further in on the right as you come in through the main entrance.