Johns Hopkins University
How Medicine Becomes Trash: Healthcare Waste as Environmental Crisis
The modern medical enterprise is distinctively wasteful. This may seem to result inevitably from the hazardous nature of medical substances, whose infection risk, chemical toxicity, or radioactivity and accordingly requires more extensive techniques of waste handling. Yet only 15% of global healthcare wastes fit this specialized profile. The remaining 85% are simply materials that have been built to be disposable rather than reusable: a staggering volume of single-use items that emit toxins and carbon dioxide when incinerated, give off methane and other greenhouse gases while decomposing in landfills, or, if they escape these two fates, float on the surface of the oceans.
It was not always this way. In a relatively short period of time, we have naturalized the use of single-use masks, single-use surgical drapes, single-use plastic syringes, single-use surgical tools, and single-use diagnostic tests, all wrapped in multiple layers of single-use plastics—and then forgotten there was ever any alternative. In this keynote, Jeremy Greene traces the links between environmental history, the history of technology, and the outsized role that the global healthcare sector now plays in contributing to climate change and plastic waste. Greene the recent crisis of COVID-waste as a window into the broader infrastructure of engineered wastefulness in modern medicine and its differential effects across rich and poor nations on a global scale, and rich and poor neighborhoods on more local scales. Only through historical analysis, he argues, can we work to unseat medical waste as a natural category and reconsider it as the outcome of a set of value decisions we have made in the past, and can change in the future.
Jeremy A. Greene, MD, PhD, is the William H. Welch Professor of Medicine and the History of Medicine, Director of the Department of the History of Medicine, co-Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, and founding Director of the Center for Medical Humanities and Social Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he also practices internal medicine at a community health center in East Baltimore. In addition to scholarly publications, he is a regular contributor to clinical and public health journals including The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine, and The American Journal of Public Health, and his work has appeared in popular publications including Slate, Forbes, The Atlantic, and The Washington Post. In his several books, Prescribing by Numbers: Drugs and the Definition of Disease (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007), Generic: The Unbranding of Modern Medicine (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014), and The Doctor Who Wasn’t There: Technology, History, and the Limits of Telehealth (University of Chicago Press, 2022), Greene’s research explores how the complex social, cultural, and economic histories of medical technologies impact present day medical knowledge and clinical practice. Greene’s work has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health / National Library of Medicine, the Norwegian Research Council, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, and the Greenwall Foundation. His current research project, Syringe Tides: Disposable Technology and the Making of Medical Waste is supported by a 2023 Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship.
Louisiana State University
Relief, reform, and realpolitik: International medical humanitarianism and the messy politics of U.S. foreign disaster assistance
In her keynote lecture, Julia F. Irwin explores the links between the history of disasters, the histories of medicine and health, and the complex politics of global humanitarian relief. Catastrophes caused by earthquakes, tropical storms, floods, and other natural hazards, as Irwin will discuss, must be understood as comprehensive medical and health crises. Aid to disaster survivors, by extension, has often focused on ameliorating the physical and mental harms that such catastrophes precipitate. Yet, disaster aid has never been purely altruistic. Historically, it has also functioned as a valuable instrument of foreign policy, a tool for promoting the diplomatic, strategic, and economic interests of donor nations.
To illustrate these points, Irwin presents case studies of U.S. responses to multiple disasters in East Asia and Central America during the early twentieth century. While highlighting the centrality of medicine and health to American foreign disaster assistance efforts, she also analyzes the messy politics and power dynamics that underpinned these humanitarian operations. In the wake of these crises, as she will discuss, American humanitarians found auspicious opportunities to exert medical influence, exercise biomedical power, and promote the United States’ image as a benevolent nation. By thinking more critically about the medical and political histories of disasters, Irwin emphasizes, perhaps we can improve our collective responses to future global crises.
Julia Irwin is Professor of History at Louisiana State University. Her research focuses on the politics of humanitarian assistance in 20th century U.S. foreign relations, international history, and the history of medicine, in the context of both armed conflicts and disasters stemming from natural hazards.
Her first book, Making the World Safe: The American Red Cross and a Nation’s Humanitarian Awakening (Oxford University Press, 2013) is a history of U.S. foreign relief efforts in the early 20th century, particularly during the First World War and its aftermath. Her second book, Catastrophic Diplomacy: U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance in the American Century, will be published in 2023 by the University of North Carolina Press. Catastrophic Diplomacy examines how the U.S. government, U.S. military, and American voluntary organizations responded to sudden disasters in other countries during the 20th century, with a focus on humanitarian emergencies caused by tropical storms, earthquakes, floods, and other natural hazards. Investigating the messy politics and complex power dynamics associated with these relief and reconstruction operations, the book analyzes the use of foreign disaster assistance as a tool of U.S. foreign policy.
She has also published more than twenty journal articles and book chapters on the histories of U.S. foreign aid, international humanitarianism, and medical relief. Her work has appeared in such journals as The Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Isis, Diplomatic History, Nursing History Review, and the Journal of American History, and in volumes published by Oxford and Cambridge University Presses and Georg Editeur. Recently, she became a founding editor of the Journal of Disaster Studies. Aimed at disaster researchers across the humanities and social sciences, this international journal seeks to advance interpretive theory, methods, and empirical research on hazards, disasters, and humanitarian governance globally.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Sámi trails in the archive
The Knut Lunde archive was donated to the UiT The Arctic University of Tromsø library in 2013 after being safeguarded by his descendants since Lunde died in 1937. The archive consists of more the 30 000 letters from people in need of healing, and that trusted Lunde’s capacity to give hope, ease pain and improve their lives. In addition, the archive consists of Lunde’s consultation notes, documenting time, name, health condition, diagnoses and medical advice. The journals (1902-1937) seem to be guided and organized according to the more official medical journals practice, even though Lunde lacked biomedical education.
In this presentation I will mobilize the Lunde archive to make evident that a mode of One Health indigenous philosophy can be found in the practice of Lunde if we acknowledge him as an indigenous Sámi medical expert that within a context of colonization needed to modify his medical practice and how it was documented. In order to do so, we will need a decolonial critical and creative engagement with what archives are and can be. What would such a decolonizing engagement involve? How can we address the silencing done in archives and how can we open the archive to the present crises in health and medicine? To engage with these questions, I suggest that we need to go be one the historical archive and connect the archive to the memories embedded in the land, through engaging with landscape as archive.
Britt Kramvig is Professor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. She has an interdisciplinary orientation and practices collaborative methodologies in all of her research. She is an expert of Indigenous ontologies, ecologies, aesthetics and storytelling. Ongoing publication efforts engage with locally embedded practice of reconciliation, memory and landscape – through research in the archive of the Sámi medical expert Knut Lunde. In several publications she argues that we should not merely focus on stories as products, but also on storytelling as an intersection in reciprocity. Storytelling can therefore inform an emergent politics of memory and enact landscapes of remembrance. This emphasizes the importance of not only the substance of the stories, but also the very act of participating in a shared event. It also emphasizes how this event brings our attention to our sense of being with-others, so promoting relation-weaving and world-making in which the past and the future are recalled as well as remade. For that reason, she has been engaged in several creative documentaries, such as Dreamland and Firekeepers and has for long been working with Sámi artists. She has co-edited the book Recognition, Reconciliation and Restoration: Applying a Postcolonial Understanding in Social Work and Healing (2020), and her co-written publications include Decolonized Research-Storying Bringing Indigenous Ontologies and Care into the Practices of Research Writing and Improving the Relationships etween Indigenous Rights Holders and Researchers in the Arctic: An Invitation for Change in Funding and Collaboration (2021). She is a fellow at the University of Durham connected to the project Exploring Arctic Soundscape and a member of the ongoing research project Mediating Arctic Geographies. Kramvig has a seat in the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar research and at IASC The International Arctic Science Committee. At UiT The Arctic University of Norway, she is a member of the research group Indigenous Voices (IVO) - Álgoálbmogii jienat and of Narrating the postcolonial North.
Sciences Po
Crisis upon crisis. Ruderal landscapes, traces and the history of medicine
What happens to the history of medicine and health when the world surrounding us experiences crisis upon crisis? What kind of stories, methods and archives should we turn to, as the “pile of debris before us grows skyward” ? My lecture is an attempt to intensify the conversation between the history of medicine, the environmental humanities and the biosciences. Using the history of the HIV-Aids pandemic as an example, I will explore what we can gain by engaging, as historians of medicine, with ruderality – the shared condition of living among the rubble – and landscapes – understood as sets of multi-specific ecological relations, as multi-layered spaces shaped by the sedimentation of time, history and crises, but also as repositories of signs, traces and meanings left, perceived and interpreted by multiple beings, including other-than-humans. Such perspective enables to “place” and to “environmentalize” our histories of medicine and health, of course – to “bring them down to earth”, as Bruno Latour said. But it can do more than this. Noticing, unearthing and following the traces that form the landscape can help us imagine “unimagined histories”. Drawing from my research in East Cameroon and North Paris, I will show how, for example, the genetic sequences of pathogens, as well as archeological, architectural and urban traces, can help us research and write unimagined histories – that are open-ended, not pre-packaged in archival boxes, and shaped by the agencies and interpretations of other-than-us. They start from and lead to the ruderal landscapes of now, shaped by crisis upon crisis, by medicine itself and by life among their debris.
Guillaume Lachenal is Professor in History of Science at médialab, Sciences Po, Paris. His research explores the interface of medical history with anthropology, planetary health and biology, focusing especially on the utopias and disasters woven into the history of colonial medicine, epidemics and decolonization in Africa. His first book The Lomidine Files. The untold story of a medical disaster in colonial Africa (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017, Rosen Prize 2019) retraced the biography of a colonial wonder-drug, pentamidine, which caused several large-scale accidents during campaigns against sleeping sickness. His second book The Doctor who Would Be King (Duke University Press, 2022) tells the extraordinary story of Dr David, a French colonial army doctor who governed an entire region of the French colony of Cameroon and the whole Pacific island of Wallis on his own, realizing the fantasy of medical government.
In collaboration with ethnographers and biologists, he has developed several collective projects exploring the memories, traces and landscapes of colonial biomedicine, including the visual book Traces of the future. An archaeology of medical research in Africa (edited with Wenzel Geissler, John Manton and Noemi Tousignant) and his current project An archaeology of HIV in Paris. Spaces, memories and genetic sequences around the former Claude Bernard Hospital.